Company Information

Company Name: PETER G HANKS.


EIN Number: 311469945

DOT Number: 1168378

Company Address:

83421 E HWY 36
DEER TRAIL, CO 801059404

Phone: (303) 769-4711.

Fax: (303) 769-4211.

Email: .

Authorities for PETER G HANKS

Broker Not Authorized
Household Goods Not Authorized
Passengers Not Authorized
Property Broker Not Authorized
Common Status Not Authorized
Contract Status Not Authorized

Operations for PETER G HANKS

Operation Classification: Intrastate Non-Hazmat

Cargo Carried: General Freight, Machinery, Large Objects, Oil Field Equipment, Grain, Feed, Hay, Farm Supplies,

Number of Drivers: 2

Number of Power Units: 2