Company Information

Company Name: R AND R HOTSHOT LLC.


EIN Number: 993445551

DOT Number: 4253423

Company Address:

22320 430TH ST
HOWE, OK 74940

Phone: (918) 413-0254.

Fax: .


Authorities for R AND R HOTSHOT LLC

Broker Not Authorized
Household Goods Not Authorized
Passengers Not Authorized
Property Broker Not Authorized
Common Status Not Authorized
Contract Status Not Authorized

Operations for R AND R HOTSHOT LLC

Operation Classification: Interstate

Cargo Carried: General Freight, Metal; Sheets, Coils, Rolls, Logs, Poles, Beams, Lumber, Building Materials, Grain, Feed, Hay, Utility, Farm Supplies, Construction, Water Well, Other, , ,

Number of Drivers: 2

Number of Power Units: 1